Sustainable plastics production and consumption


Sustainable plastics production and consumption

  • Reduction – substitution
  • Plastics in packaging
  • Simplification and bio-based materials innovation
  • Company reporting and disclosure
  • Plastics in agriculture and aquaculture
  • Food waste prevention and plastics

Our PLASYS24 focus

The SDG 12 concern about sustainable production and consumption of resources is reflected at the heart of the plastic pollution global challenge and its potential solutions. All models available suggest that we need to reduce consumption, but we know too little about how to practically implement. Is reuse in packaging the way forward? Simplification of the plastics is widely proposed, but it could result in loss of functionality – loads of debate around the food waste prevention role emerges. And if we substitute plastic with other materials, are there any crucial trade-offs and unintended consequences?

In sectors such as agriculture and aquaculture we just also start understanding how plastics are enablers and polluters. A massive wave of innovation is underway in biobased plastics, but can they deliver the desired outcomes? Plastics materials and product manufacturers and retailers hold considerable relevant data to inform solutions: can disclosure help effective value chain solutions?

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Rhodes, the largest of Greece’s Dodecanese islands, is known for its beach resorts, ancient ruins and remnants of its occupation by the Knights of St. John during the Crusades.
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The city of Rhodes has an Old Town featuring the medieval Street of the Knights and the castlelike Palace of the Grand Masters.
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