“There is hope that the just transition framework can create visibility for the roles and contributions of informal workers. This would ensure that informal workers are not going to be invisible or allocated to a subaltern role in the Plastic Treaty and in the transition to circular and decarbonized economies. ”
Presentation title: Just Transition for Waste Pickers - Key Elements
Sonia Maria Dias is a sociologist and has a doctorate in Political Sciences, and specialization in solid waste management (JICA fellow). Her work as a garbologist includes policy officer for the cleaning agency Belo Horizonte city, a supporter of global workers movements and consultancy for several international agencies. She is WIEGO's global waste specialist and is engaged in national/local work in her country, Brazil, as well as in global work. She seats on advisory boards for many organizations such as, Pimp my Carroça NGO, a board member of Workers Health Place Without Borders (WHWB), End Plastic Pollution Internacional Council (EEPPIC), World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). She is an active member of the Global Platform Right to the City. She is an Eisenhower fellow. She coordinates the circular economy chamber of the Brazilian Climate Change Forum.