Prof Katia Lasaridi
Harokopio University, Greece
“The urgent goals of reducing both food waste and plastic packaging create a sustainability paradox for both policy makers and the industry. Innovative packaging technologies are key to striking the right balance, together with robust waste management systems capable of minimising plastic leakage to the environment. More research and good practices implementation are needed.”
Presentation title: Navigating the Tension Between Food Waste Reduction and Plastic Packaging Restrictions: are new packaging technologies the way to sustainable futures?
Katia Lasaridi is a Professor in Environmental Management and Technology at Harokopio University, Athens, Greece. She works on all aspects of waste management in the context of the Circular Economy with emphasis on food waste prevention, valorization and treatment, WEEE management, and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), where she has extensive research and consultancy experience. She has served as President of the Board of the Hellenic Recycling Agency, and in Harokopio University as a member of the Governing Board, Deputy Rector, and Head of the Geography Department. She is currently a member of the Scientific Committee of the Hellenic Institute of Local Authorities.