“Global Ambition with strong international co-operation to reduce microplastic pollution is needed . One of the most challenging actions will be to change production and demand, by implementing of reuse systems and enhance waste collection and treatment, as well as the development and risk evaluation of new plastic materials like bioplastics.”
Presentation Title: Microplastics in Wastewater and Sludge: Perspectives and Treatment Solutions
Full Professor IDAEA-CSIC, Spain. Since 2008 Director. Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA-CERCA). Girona, Spain. 2016 – 2022 Full Professor Chair in Biology. College of Science, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Distinguished Scientist Fellowship Program (DSFP). Doctor Honoris Causa by the Universities of Ioannina, Greece, in 2014 and by the University of Lleida, June 2021 and Almeria , Spain in May 2022, Honorary and Guest Professor at Zhejiang A & F University (ZAFU), Hangzhou, China in 2019 till March 2022., Foreign Expert of East China University of Science & Technology, Shanghai, China, since January to December 2021, Adjunct Professor in Sustainability Cluster, School of Engineering at the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES), Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India from January 2022-December 2026., Recipharm Environmental Award, Sweden in 2012, Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water (PSIPW), 5th Award on Water Management & Protection, Saudi Arabia in 2012 and Prize King Jaime I on the Protection of Nature from Generalitat of Valencia, Spain in 2007
- SUPERVISION OF STUDENTS, 1992 – to date > 67 PhD thesis supervised, mainly in Spain except four of them: Lisbon, Amsterdam, Riyadh and Mexico 1992 –
- EXPERTISE: Analysis, fate, risk and removal of emerging contaminants and microplastics from water, Sewage epidemiology of drugs and proteins. Since 2010 I am listed as highly cited scientists, ISI Highly Cited, with a Hirsch-Index of 176 (137) and total number of citations over 139.000 thousand (> 88 k) and more than 1600 publications (source Google Scholar on November 12, 2022, Scopus in parenthesis). World Ranking of Top Environmental Scientists in 2022, by Research.com is 1st in Europe and 3 rd in the World ranking
- Since 1990, Editor of Trends in Analytical Chemistry (TrAC), Elsevier
- Since 2012 Co-Editor-in-chief of the Science of the Total Environment, Elsevier
- Since 2017 Editor in chief of Current Opinion in Environmental Science and Health, Elsevier
- Since 2020 Co-Editor in Chief of Case Studies of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Elsevier.
- Since 2022. Co-editor in Chief of Methods X, Elsevier
- Since 2017 Editor of Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Elsevier
- Since 2021, Senior Editor of Green Analytical Chemistry, Elsevier
Editor of three book series:
- Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry, Elsevier,
- Advances in Chemical Pollution and Environmental Management and Protection, Academic Press- Elsevier and
- The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry from Springer-Nature